Cytotec for PPH


I was given Cytotec after my baby was born to treat my postpartum hemmorage. I took it orally but at the time had no idea what they were giving me. I had severe tremors, spiked a 108° fever, had a crazy heart rate and pulse that they couldn't even get accurate measurements on, and ended up in the ICU. Thank God my baby was out safe and sound before they gave me that. I only saw him for minutes after he was born and wasnt able to see him again or nurse him until I was released from iCU 12hrs later. I would NEVER use Cytotec for an induction...I would rather have a c-section. Cytotec is only FDA approved for stomach ulcers so anything else is an "off-label" use. Of course I knew none of this until after the fact when I did some research. Just wanted to share in case it helps any other mommys-to-be.💙