Suppressive medicine !?

Cindy • California, OC girl. Loves to workout and spend time with family

Hi everyone,

I was diagnosed with herpes type 2 about 2 years ago. For a whole year now I’ve been taking suppressive medicine, it’s ACYCLOVIR 400 MG generic for ZOVIRAX. I take 2 pills daily, one at morning and one at night. (I get about 6 outbreaks a year)

I haven’t had any new partners, I recently started dating this amazing guy that I really am in love with and he knows my condition, we use condoms EVERY time we have sex and avoid sex during an outbreak...

My question is does anyone else take suppressive medicine on this group and what are your doses and has it really helped in preventing the spread of herpes to your partner(s)? He doesn’t wanna use condoms anymore but also doesn’t want to be infected. He knows the risk tho. Please help 🙏🏼❤️