He took me and my kids down.

I can’t believe I’m even typing this. My life and 2 kids lives were fine one week. And the next week we’re basically homeless.

My fiancé and I got in a nasty argument. We have been kind of rocky for a bit. But I am always the one to say we both need to make more of an effort and do a date night more than once a year. 😳

Well this last fight was the last straw. He kicked us out. He told me I need to get my shit and leave his home. 4 days later I get served with custody papers and 2 days later he goes out of town, and I go back to the house to grab some of our things and he changed the locks.

I’m in disbelief.

Yesterday we said we will talk today. Our little one went to stay with him last night and we agreed to talk this morning. I had every sort of high hope that maybe this was it! The conversation I have been waiting for. The one that’s i want my family back. Well it wasn’t. It was another conversation telling me how we’re no good for each other and should just be friends. Really friends? After a half a decade you say let’s be friends? You told me you don’t love me anymore and haven’t cared for around 18 months anymore.

Well today I was super upset. Went to grab our clothes and my oldest child is not his bio child but he calls him dad. Well he says mom where’s my hover board. I said not sure. I go ask him. He tells me he took it on the vacation for the other kids to use it and left it up there. Well my child is just devastated. My son said he came inside and said he will get it to him and he looked like he was crying. Which is crazy because within these 2 weeks their has been zero emotion from him.

I’m so angry! I can’t even talk to him or text him. After all these tears,years. I asked my son if he was ok and he said, I guess I will never have a dad again. I told him he can hurt me but not my son.

I’m just wondering why would he be crying? He hasn’t shed a tear sin