Before and after

angel • 👶🌈🌈👶🤱

So the top picture( excuse the christmas get up) was the day i decided to get the weight off. Over a six month period i lost just about 50 lbs through eating healthy and kicking but at the gym 5 days a week for 2 hours mostly lifting. Those are the last body pics i took and i did eventually get rid of the mommy pouch and got abs. Right after, i found out that i'm pregnant with my third. Now 9 weeks+ 4 days. I know this sounds horrible and i'm so happy and wanting this baby but i'm terrified that right after i worked so hard im going to gain it all back. Im scared with my age( almost 37) that i won't be able to get it off again. This first trimester had me so weak, dizzy, and tired that my exercise has gone to just daily yoga. I gained 65 lbs with my previous two pregnancies. Im not even sure what i expect to get out of this post. I guess just to vent because if i do it anywhere else i'm told i'm selfish. We tried for over two years for this baby so it's definitely wanted. I just didn't ever think i would feel this nervous about something so vain. Sorry end rant