Food aversions

Alexis • Job 39:19-24 🩷Kenway Dawn born 11.27.2019🩷gym rat, passionate about lifting heavy. 🩵Bishop Garrett born 10.20.2023🩵

Lately the only thing I can stomach is McDonald’s. I had a great breakfast of sprouted multigrain toast, almond milk and a bowl of Greek yogurt. Threw that up immediately. Had fries last night, stomach was great! 🤦‍♀️ I’ve been doing so well eating healthy and ever since my morning sickness started it’s like I can only eat potatoes and drink milk. I’m worried I’m not getting any nutrients for my baby. I take a prenatal daily and I can stomach some fruits but still. Like my lunch will probably be a McDonald’s Fry and some apples. I feel gross. Before being pregnant it was salads, lean meats, protein bowls, and exercise. Now? I sleep until 11am and can’t eat anything but carbs.😞