Baby Born 5/23/2019


Welcome Brett Tremonti Lee Goza!

He was born at 4:27 PM on 5/23 via csection.

Went to the doctor on the 22nd, was 2 days overdue. Dilated at 4 cm. But he had no fluid around him. Was sent to the hospital to be admitted to start to be induced. Wasnt have any contractions on my own.

Was on the pitocin for 24 hours, having extreme back labour, but had not dilated past 24 cm.

My doctor suggested the csection, and I said yes. With his lack of fluid and my lack of progression. I wanted him here safe.

Went for my csection somewhere between 330 and 4. And I had him in my arms in no time. I have had a wonderful recovery.

Me and his dad, are just so happy and in love with him.