I love a shady man

I’m i love with this guy and we’ve i my been dating for a little while and hes been doing some things that are just a little sus and I know I would never have ever accepted this from anyone else I’ve ever dated or anyone new but I recently went to see him after he had come home from a trip and i was heated from something shady he had done I ranted for hours and hours the night before and the day off and that night I go to his house we sit in my car and it was like the moment I saw him the moment he smiled at me everything else just seemed so insignificant compared to him it was like just melted into him and didn’t end it or anything and now I’m like what the fuck am I doing the rational part of my brain says to leave him by the rest of my brain, my heart and soul ache for him

It makes me feel like maybe I should just work through it , hold on and grow together he hasn’t cheated or anything just done some shady things and I don’t know what to do