I've never made a better decision in my whole life...

My father has never been a father, this text message speaks for itself.

I lost my first baby to an ectopic pregnancy and my mental health spiralled out of control fast! I tried to kill myself not long after and the ONLY person who was there was my partner literally the only one, my dads gf (stepmother) told me to fuck off that day, get a grip of myself and get over my dead child, (like as if that's a completely normal response 🤔😡) so anyway, after I finally got back on my feet along with help from my wonder partner I fell pregnant with my rainbow baby, I actually called my dad excited to tell him he was going to finally be a grandfather to which his reply was "nice, want to find your stepsister for me?" Like wtf did you just say... This girl wants absolutely nothing to do with him given how he has never been a part of her life and tbqh she's better off without him! All this man done to me growing up was shout at me for nothing, he'd scream at all of us for not wanting to go out and play we literally got made to go out so he could have "peace and quiet from you cunts" this man should never have had kids, EVER! I finally plucked up the courage and told him I'm done and can't pretend anymore that every things peachy when it's not. I have never felt so PROUD of myself ever in my life for standing up to this horrible man! Gone are the days that this prick puts me down and lectures me on my own child when I'm doing a damn good job! My daughter is happy, healthy, safe and she's got the people around her that she needs, me and her daddy, I could never do and say the things to my daughter that my dad has to me, becoming a parent yourself really does open up your eyes and make you realise what's right and what's wrong. To anyone who read this far I really appreciate the time you took to read this and I'm so grateful I have this app even if it's just to let things off my chest when things get too much. If anyone else is in this situation, please for your own self worth get rid of the negativity, you don't need that crap in your life, life is hard enough without people pilling on top of it! I never thought I could do this as I was always so afraid but I have FINALLY done it!! 🤗🤗🤗 I feel on top of the freakin world today!!!!