Need Help Figuring This Out

Ok I need some help I want another baby so bad and my husband said he dont want no more I feel like he is giving me a run around he quit using protection and gave me a time frame to get pregnant and it's hard for me cause I have PCOS and I have to be put on meds to get pregnant well after the time frame was up he still wasn't using protection but I told him I wanted to wait till August to have a baby cause I didnt want my kids to be October November, Christmas in December and the January so I wanted to wait and have a summer baby and so he said I'm going to go back to using protection cause we agreed on August to have a baby and I said ok that's fine well now he is dead set on no we arent having another baby and it hurts me bad I cry all the time we have even done counciling and I ended up getting a false positive so we quit going cause we thought i was pregnant but I wasnt but I am to my wits ends I want to have another baby so bad any tips or advice???