Sex mad

I’m 22 weeks pregnant and the past few weeks because I’m showing a lot more my other half has been almost constantly aroused.

It’s flattering I’m not saying it isn’t but every time I turn around or he bumps my leg it’s ‘up’ and he constantly wants to have sex. I have a pretty good sex drive still but I physically can’t keep up with his needs and after a point i simply don’t want to and will say no.

He doesn’t say anything because I know he understands why but I can tell he’s a bit off that I don’t want to have sex all the time but I feel so guilty because even though he’s not been this frequent in the past I’ve never had an issue saying no before.

Has anyone else’s partners gone a bit sex crazy since they got pregnant - how do you handle it? I was so worried he’d turn off me but this is the complete opposite of the issue I was expecting to face 😶