I am so Angry


So I teach preschool, and my boyfriend of many years and I live in our own home. I was six weeks when I lost my baby. We decided that the baby would have been a girl and we also named her. I just came back to work today after having some time off. I work in a classroom with one other teacher in my room and we have two directors that run the school. Well one of my directors is extremely supportive, lending a helping hand, making sure I feel loved. The other director (the head director of the school) told the other director that It’s stupid that I named the baby, that it wasn’t even a baby just a clump of cells, and I didn’t pass the baby I only passed tissue, that I was too young anyway and was ruining my life by having a child.

I am so hurt and angry that someone would say this especially when it is the hardest time in my entire life. I have lost all respect for the director and no longer feel like I can trust the person that runs the school. The other director and the teacher that works in my room told me about what she was saying because they didn’t want me confiding and sharing my struggles with someone that thought so low of me. So now I’m considering getting a new job.