Finally got my BFP!!!


It took 17 months of TTC after a MC, being diagnosed with mild PCOS, and 2 rounds of clomid 50 mg days 3-7!! I thought I was out again this cycle because I got spotting at 6 dpo and thought my period was coming, but I thought wrong!! I’m guessing it was implantation bleeding because it was just that one day, and the rest was a very scant amount of brown blood. So today, at 12 dpo, I decided to take a test since I wasn’t bleeding anymore and because my boobs have been sore. I used the easy@home before I got in the shower and just KNEW it would be negative. I almost fainted when I saw the second line and couldn’t open the FRER package fast enough 😅 my hands were shaking, I was crying and I said “Oh my God” more times than I could count waiting for that second line to pop up! And it did almost immediately!! I have an appointment to confirm the pregnancy Monday, and I’m praying SO hard that this is one sticky bean!! It finally happened for me ladies, and it’ll happen for y’all too 💕💕💕💕💕