Pregnancy hormones

So, at the very beginning of my pregnancy my grandma (my dad's mom) and her sisters (so my great aunts) were extremely excited about it, and told me they would be giving me a baby shower.

A little while later, they informed me they would be giving me a joint baby shower with my cousin, who is due only three days before me.

Fast forward a few months. I get a call from my mom. She says my grandma called to tell her that they decided they were only going to give my cousin a shower, because they figured my other family (on my mom's side) would give me a shower so they didn't need to give me one.

All of my friends have assumed my mom would be giving me a baby shower. When I mentioned a couple months ago about a baby shower to my mom, she says "oh your aunt will do it." (Her sister.)

No one ever said a word to me about wanting to give me one since. So last weekend my aunt asked me when I would be having a baby shower. I told her I wasn't having one.


Not really knowing what to say I just said, "Well, it's getting really close, and it's a four hour drive to come down there. I'm not supposed to travel anymore after two more weeks so it's probably best this way."

She seemed so upset. "You need to at least do one for your family. Your family wants to do something for the new baby." And proceeds to tell me all the reasons why I need to have one, but never offers to give me one or to help.

So, not knowing what else to do, the next day I announce to my family when I would be having my baby shower.

Everybody wants to know who's giving me the shower. I say "I am."

Everyone is shocked, asking why I'm doing it?!

What can I say?? I just lamely say, "I already have all the decorations bought for the nursery. There's really no need for anybody else to spend the money"

The thing is, I only have my mom, and two aunts on my mom's side. And a sister in law that's closely related to Lucifer. None of them wanted to give me the shower. All of my close friends live in different states. Who did they think would give me the shower?

I really was ok with it. Nobody has to give me a shower, it's my baby, my responsibility. But... Honestly? They all act surprised I'm doing it myself, but they didn't bother to offer.

My grandma told me she would give me a shower, and then changed her mind and wouldn't even tell me herself.

I was ok with all of this... Until I went shopping today to start buying all the stuff I needed, because even if I do have decorations there's still lots to do. It took everything I had not to burst into tears in the middle of hobby lobby. I have feltl so isolated since I moved, and this has made it 500x's worse.

It also doesn't help when people message me demanding to be sent an invitation, when all they've done my whole life is prove they'll never show up.

I'm just a third trimester, very large, very swollen, extremely exhausted, ridiculously emotional pregnant lady, and I needed to vent.

I do understand everyone just expected someone else to do it. But there's just three people on my mom's side, and they talk about everything, together constantly. Idk I just feel forgotten most of the time. And I really feel like after this shower, just disappearing and seeing if anybody misses me... I doubt they will.

I might add, nobody in my family gave me a wedding shower either. A lady in my church ended up doing it when she found out nobody was giving me one. Guess I really shouldn't have been surprised.