Rainbow baby, literally 🌈 (long story)


Back in the beginning of March my boyfriend and I shared our birthdays. We went to the Florida keys, and of course my fertile window was during that time 😉 Towards the end of March we both thought that we had did it as I had 2 faint, but clearly there, positive pregnancy tests. Unfortunately a few days later it ended as a chemical pregnancy. We both were devastated and agreed to stop trying.

Fast forward to end of April. I was a week late. I was hesitant to test because I didn’t want to get my hopes up. The day before I tested we took the bridge home and just as we crossed the top, I saw a rainbow in the distance. 🌈 I felt something in my gut. But I shrugged it off, trying to not get my hopes up.

I went into work the next morning. The pants I usually wore were a bit snug than usual. (I actually left them unbutton under my shirt during my shift lol) I just blamed it on pre period bloat. But something told me I needed to test. So, on my break I went to the Walmart next door. Grabbed an 88¢ test because I was tired of spending $10+ on pregnancy tests. Took it in the Walmart bathroom and low and behold...

In shock, I went over to my mother’s house to surprise her. She insisted that I buy a first response and digital and low and behold...

It was in that moment that I stopped what I did and thanked God. I think He understood the pain we both went through last cycle and He blessed us with this miracle.

May 24th, we were able to see our baby and the tiny flickering heart beat. Our little bean measured 6 weeks 4 days and had a heart rate of 129 bpm. ❤️

God works in mysterious ways. He definitely blessed us after going through what felt like hell. I pray that our little bean continues to grow and that on January 13th, 2020 we will be able to hold our little rainbow baby 🌈👶✨