Sarah • Married 💍 DOGMOM 🐾 Mommy 💙🎀

UGH. My hormones are soooo terrible this time around I can't keep a level mood for like 10 minutes 😭 my husband really just doesn't get it ! This time around I feel fat & im having such a hard time actually enjoying this pregnancy. Nothing fits right , I've gained more weight than I should have by how far along I am so now all I want to do is go to the gym. I cater to everyone else's schedule (husbands) so I have to wait until he's available to watch our 1 yr old son. Today I was able to go but not up until AFTER I got dressed & my husband had to go pick dinner up.. I can't ever fucking win. So now it's too late to go because

by the time I get there it's going to be obnoxiously packed 😡 I'm so overly frustrated at this point & my husband keeps saying how bitchy I'm being. He doesn't fucking get it. RANT OVER. I know I can't be the only one having a rough time right now 😓