Beyond nervous


Last week I starting feel cramp like feeling that would start at the top of my belly and go down on side to the bottom OR they would spread across my whole belly. Didn’t think much of it as they didn’t hurt or feel like a contraction. Well yesterday I started to get diarrhea and this morning that is also what woke me up at 5:30am!! I contacted my doctor and she asked if I’ve had any bleeding or anything along those lines and if I had any symptoms of a stomach bug! Told her no that baby is still moving like crazy nothing out of the ordinary I have a stuffy nose and my mom had mentioned yesterday my face looked a little swollen but good today!

Now I’m sitting here at work waiting to hear back. Stressing when I should just try to relax!

Anyone else go through this? I’ll be 28 weeks tomorrow & never experienced this with my girls