4 month sleep regression🧟‍♀️


Just came here to vent

This is pretty much how my days have been going for the past week or maybe more, I lost count lol. She will be 4 months on June 7th and this leap is literally killing me and on top of that she’s teething too. Every nap she takes is no longer than 30 minutes and then she’s up for very short amount of time before she’s fussing again cause she’s still tired. I feel like I’ve put her (or tried to) down for a nap over 100 times today already. she’s waking up every 2-3 hours at night for seemingly no reason other than to be held. she doesn’t want dad either all the sudden. just me. All the time. I love her but I’m exhausted and god damnit i want this to end and have my happy baby back 😩

This picture was yesterday, I finally gave in and let her sleep on me and of course she slept 3 1/2 hours. 🙃