Good news and Bad news

Tiffany • Married•Mother of a 11 year old daughter•Mother of 👼🏽 baby 9/1/18•Mother of a rainbow baby on the way 9/1/19 her birthday is 8/19/19 I have a toddler today💖🌸

I had my ultrasound yesterday.

Good news: She weight 1lb 14oz. She doing good. She move a lot.

Bad news: She was bald up so we could not get a photo of her this time.

More Bad news: She growing good but her belly is not it’s at 5%. So now I have to start going every week. The doctor told me that they see this all the time and she is good. She said that it might be something going on with the placenta or it could be my Lupus that’s doing it.

The Doctor Steps: They are going to keep a very very close eye on us. They are going to try for us to go all the way to 39 weeks right now I am 26 weeks and 5 days. If not 39 weeks then 38 weeks. If not then they will induce me early.

My Steps: I am going to try to eat more so then one to two times a day I am going for three to four times a day. Try to eat vegetables two up to four times a week. Water from 0 to 1 bottle I am going for two up to four bottles a day.

Pray for me and my family 🌈