Didn’t think I’d need to do this again so soon...


Welp! I’m going out to buy a test. But I’m still confused.

I went on birth control, the implant bar, 6 wPP.

Took that fucker out 10 wPP for all the issues it gave me. I bled for that entire time amongst other things.

A few days later, bleeding stops for 24 hours.

Bleeding starts again, which I assume is a proper period and it lasts a few days. This is the 9th of May.

We have been safe. Condoms.

However I’m experiencing very similar symptoms as to when I was pregnant with Spencer. That being said, it’s been YEARS since I was on birth control because I hate it. I always got told if you’re on it a short time, you can fall pregnant next cycle hence why we have been careful.

I am TECHNICALLY overdue. It’s hard to tell. But I’m still going out to buy a test.

Any experiences, ladies? On birth control, getting pregnant soon after a baby, similar symptoms etc? Share your stories.
