I think you’re the one.

We’ve been talking for months, 7 months to be exact. And I can’t even begin to thank you for turning my life around so drastically. All throughout high school I had the biggest crush on you, I’d admire you from afar and wonder what it would be like to get to know you. My best friend at the time always told me you were “old-fashioned” and believed in going on dates, buying flowers and opening the door. And i always convinced myself that I was never going to get to experience that.

Years later, after you’d graduated and no one had heard from you, I graduated high school too and went on to college, focusing on getting my degree. Then in the month of December, you sent me a message asking if we rode the same bus in high school. We did, and you sat right in front of me. I’d always admire you, as you looked out the window and smile every now and then... and I fell hard for that smile of yours. Every girl crushed on you. The girl sitting next to me had nicknames for you, the girls behind me would giggle when they talked about you, but I’d just admire you carefully and appreciate your features.

So i said yes, and we started talking about how high school was... you asked me on a date and I said yes. I’ll never forget that night. You picked me up, bought me yellow flowers because you found out it was my favorite color, and you took me out for apple pie ice cream (my favorite) and a walk downtown afterward. We connected. So quickly and so easily, without having to force anything. We laughed, and I fell for your smile all over again. We walked amidst the Christmas lights, and I’d catch you admiring me every now and then when you thought I wasn’t looking. And then you drove me back home and we listened to music and laughed more in your car.

Truth is, I didn’t know I needed you. I didn’t know my heart could feel so complete with someone else. I didn’t know that someone could make me feel so loved and appreciated and I think that God put you in my life because he knew how much I was struggling. You went through Marine boot camp, and I made it through without seeing you for three months. Now you’re gone again and all I can think about is how much I can’t wait to see you.

I know I can’t even thank you enough for making me so happy and doing so much for me and loving me unconditionally... but thank you. And if God put you in my life... it’s because you’re the one that I’d been searching for and I can’t imagine ever living my life with anyone else. I think it’s you. It’s always been and it always will be you.