Does your baby sleep with items in crib?

Kasandra • Wife-Mother of two

We've done a mix of bassinet/crib/ bed sharing but have consistently been bed sharing for a few months for the sake of my sanity and needing sleep. I actually don't mind it much but now that she's moving she's going back to the crib. In the bed she's always blocked by pillows as to not roll off and has become used to touching them ( very texture oriented baby) now going back to her crib the only way I've found it to work it to throw a pillow in and drape a swaddle blanket on her legs . I'm not real worried about it as she's a strong responsive baby and I'm certain she'd wake me if she was struggling at all but I'm curious how many other August babies are now doing this? We used to use a sleep sack and now she refuses that, it's also hot here now so she's just in a onsie with a muslin swaddle blanket

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