Random acts of kindness wow!


So the weirdest thing just happened to me at 7-11. I had my two year old son with me and we went to get our Saturday slurpee and snack like we do every Saturday as a treat in the summer time. I’m in line and I pay for it and a lady beside me hands my son $5. I was like oh no ma’am we don’t need it I’m sure someone else would need it more. She tells me oh no honey just put it in his piggy bank and take it as a blessing I just felt like giving it to him. She leaves and I leave and load my kiddo in the car. Someone comes out after me and says my card declined (which was weird I swore it said approved before I walked out and I KNOW there was plenty in my account) I tried my card 3 more times and it kept declining. Well I ran back out to get the $5 she just gave us since we already made our slurpees and I felt soooo embarrassed! So when I came back in to pay for it someone else paid for our items by the time I came in and said I see your having a hard time it’s all ok I took care of it! I tried giving him the $5 and he refused it. Turns out my husband deactivated my card instead of his when he got a new one 🤦🏼‍♀️ I couldn’t believe how sweet everyone was today. As embarrassing as it was it was amazing seeing so many kind hearts today!