My period isn't normal. TMI PHOTO❣


Ladies, I need help.

My last "true" period was April 17-20, when I last had unprotected sex, where I had uterine lining and a normal type of discharge.

I had spotting on May 1st and 2nd, no uterine lining.

As of yesterday, 5/31, it's back again.

I tested negative this morning for pregnancy, but my cervical mucous is slimy (like ovulation) but it has a lot of blood.

It was like a medium period's worth this morning, but I haven't seen a single speck of clotting or uterine lining.

I'm having full breasts, back pain, and my cramps are being soothed with a heating pad.

It was way more than this amount earlier today, but my concern is that I haven't been expelling uterine lining.

I know there's women that don't test positive for a while.. but I had sex over a month ago. I should be expelling my uterine lining by now?? I'm usually pretty regular?

Advice needed please, and thanks everyone ❤

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