Jealousy ?

I was wondering if it is okay for me to not want my boyfriend to have girls on his Snapchat?

I’d like to follow that up with the fact that I do trust my boyfriend, but past relationships have made it... really hard to trust that anyone else will stay faithful to me. And I know that’s a me problem.

For further backstory the specific girl that I don’t want on his Snapchat anymore used to have something with him and.. to put it frankly is somewhat of a wh*** — and I hate using that word against other women but it’s true that she goes from guy to guy very quickly. And tries to go for other girls’s men.

So is it wrong for me to not want her on his Snapchat? Would it be wrong to ask that of him? He’s never asked that of me.... I feel so bad because I know that it is my insecurity but I just don’t know what to do.

Any suggestions?

Edit: I realize I worded this funny. He’s fine talking to other girls! But this specific one kind of... well, intimidates me.