Supportive boyfriend ❤

My boyfriend decided he wanted to try harder this month and have sex more to prove we can make this baby and we didn't need help. (Were 6 months into 'trying') he continuously rubs my belly, and told his dad we were trying even though I had wanted it to stay between us incase it can't happen. He smoked a bit of weed for the first time in YEARS over the weekend and said in front of his dad "my swimmers are certainly swimming now if you wanna try you're gonna get pregnant this weekend" like WOW first time he's ever been open and talking about us being pregnant and wanted to track things with me. Hope he brings us some good luck and June is our month ❤

We started having sex every 2nd day last week, well today I got my peak ovulation test when he saw the positive opk he immediatly wanted to have sex in the shower and he made sure he got it allll in there 😂🤞