Period or Nah?

Mrs.Burns💋 • Married Happily Ever After, Chemical Angel in Heaven 05/04/17, October baby of ‘98, TTC#1 that sticks.

My boobs are sore but it feels like typical AF PMS but I don’t have symptoms that come with AF every month I usually have:

•Sore Boobs

•Small mood swings


•cravings (mainly chocolate)


•morning/Mid/Night Sweats

So this month I have experienced:

-Sore Boobs ( extra sore where my armpit intersects my side boob )

-Cravings (Mainly: Chips & Salsa, Chocolate milk and Gummybears or anything gummy)

-Small backache (only when I woke up today)

-Headaches (Every morning when I get up)

***Most importantly EMOTIONAL HORMONE SPELLS! ! ! ! ! (Last night my husband and I were arguing and I started crying because I missed my mom and wanted to spend time with her I told my husband! 😪🤣) (Today my mom and brother got into a verbal bad argument and I wanted to cry right after while I made coffee)

*****I tested at 11DPO and it was negative (NOT FMU! Probably should’ve used FMU)

TODAY I AM 14/15 DPO and haven’t tested and apparently I’m 1 day late? My cycles are a bit irregular I feel as if it possibly is my period because I don’t “FEEL PREGNANT” but then again I read that PMS and PREG Symptoms are so close and similar. Never actually been pregnant so idk