Am I the only one who gets pissed off when someone tells me I'm not pregnant bc I like to drink alcohol


Seriously it so bothers when people throw there two since in on " well ur not gonna get pregnant if u drink " I call bullshit!! When I concieved my daughter in 2016 I drank all the time with my now husband and we went out and to dinner and drank , drank at home not like alcoholics but we did indulge . Now I'm trying to concieve number 2 and having issues .. we still occasionally drink glass of wine a shot here or there and we've been trying for 16 months and have had 3 chemicals and 2 miscarriages.. we are over 30 I'll be 34 in October and my husband will be 33 ... We have gone to all the doctors had the tests done and we are fine ..they believe it's timing ...during ovulation .. we both work and had a child already .. but for throw iny face oh u need to stop drinking stop caffeine and everything you like to get pregnant me that's not the case and that's not life !!! I. Not gonna stop living just to get pregnant !!! It's to stressful and that's not realistic!!! Sometimes it's nice to go out to dinner and have a few and come home and then have sex bc ur relaxed and it's not forced because it's " fertile week " !!! If I sound stupid I'm sorry I just get so sick of it and feel like it's constantly my fault I haven't gotten pregnant and stayed pregnant .. and for people to throw that in my face just completely makes me feel so defeated and just shitty!!!