I'm struggling


Two years we've been trying to get pregnant. And I have never once gotten a positive pregnancy test. I can feel my bitterness towards all my friends who have children. I hate that I feel this way but I feel it and the longer we go the more I envy them and distance myself from them. ALL my friends have children, and now two of them are pregnant with their second. Friends who started trying AFTER me who have already had their babies....I'm rambling but I'm sad, jealous, envious, BITTER and angry. All I want is to have a child of my own naturally. Now I have started testing to try and find out why I cant get pregnant and what we can do to fix it but I'm annoyed that they all got pregnant for free and I have to pay for all of these tests just to figure out WHY I'm not pregnant. Not to mention what it's going to cost to fix what is wrong, because let's face it, after two years something has to be wrong. I just want a baby. One, single. Baby and I am bitter AF about it!