Breech at 37 weeks

Hailey • Jesus follower ♥️ Momma to Oliver 6/18/19 and Savannah 9/1/21 ♥️

So I’ve known that a c section would be a strong possibility since I had an ultrasound at 34 weeks and he was breech, but it was confirmed that he hasn’t flipped at my last appointment (now 37 weeks).

I’m not going to say that I’m not a little disappointed that I won’t be able to have a vaginal delivery, but I’ve a few stories of babies flipping super late, so I still have the tiniest shred of hope that he will flip and I’ll be able to go into labor naturally...

That being said he is only weighing 5 lbs 14 oz... so he’s really tiny (20th percentile), so that also gives me some hope that maybe he’s not too big to flip...

In all honesty, I am terrified of the recovery process for a c section... Of course I want to meet my little man so soon and see his sweet face and have him arrive healthy, BUT I’m so nervous about the pain afterwards and feeling guilty about needing help taking care of him after. My husband is also pretty stressed about everything and it kills me that I’m not able to make everyone else’s stress go away 😔...

So if anyone has any promising stories about babies flipping last minute, or phenomenal c section recovery stories, I would LOVE to hear anything positive at this point. 💕