Didn’t even get to test again!


I’m so just over it!!! I had a great response to fertility meds in January 3 big follicles but of course no pregnancy - then everything went downhill. The residual follicles hung around had to call off February started on the pill to shrink them then had a normal cycle - next month held off then April I had 2 periods in 1 month started last day of March and had another cycle about 2 and a half weeks later - went in for an us and of course 3 residual follicles wanted to do the pill I decided I wasn’t - had a normal period the next month 28 days later thinking yay all back to normal! Positive opk cd13 and now wtf I’m 5dpo and bright red bleeding! How is this possible! I don’t even feel like calling the doctor - I’m just giving up I told dh today I’m done he won’t fix his issue of low speed with the vitamins and now I’m screwed I’m sure I’m going through menopause fml