

So I have a strange question but I need some sort of answers and/or guidance.

So I'm a 25 year old female. I've only ever been in relationships with guys. A few years back I realized that I was demisexual. That label made sense and fit me well and really helped sort out why I felt different from others. Cool great, whatever I still thought I was straight though as far as WHO I could be attracted to.

Now flash forward to 10 months ago. I acquired my first EVER crush on a GIRL. I was so confused. I kept thinking it would fade or go away. I kept EVERYONE around me in the dark for weeks until I came out to a very close bi friend of mine and she told me that she ALWAYS suspected I could be gay (or in my case bi)...

This crush I've had on this girl has not gone away. I always think it will but it doesn't. I've also noticed other girls lately too and I've come to terms with being bi.

*****My question is it possible I've been Bi this whole time OR, my theory, is it that I've been burned by men so many times I cant look at men the same and my brain has started looking elsewhere... does that make sense?

I dont believe you can decide what your orientation is but is it possible for nature to change you? I've had horrible situations with men (cheating on, secret relationships) and seen my female friends deal with shit that I just dont know if I'd ever trust a man again with my heart. I feel like if I'd been bi forever wouldn't I have had a crush on a girl sooner? Wouldn't I have known? It's so confusing to me.

Thank you if you've read all of this 💖