Gay pride month 🏳️‍🌈

So I’m bisexual and it was hard for me when I came out and people at my high school were judging me everyday, boys saying mean things to me and girls looking down on me for my sexuality. Soon after I realised that my school had brought no attention to different sexuality’s at all! So I went to go and speak to a teacher and told her about how it’s pride month, she completely didn’t care and wanted nothing to do with it. All I asked for was some posters to put round school to raise awareness! My school was out of order and they don’t help people if there being bullied for their sexuality so I decided to make my own posters and put them up myself, I just want to say to anyone that is struggling with there sexuality or trying to figure out who they are, NEVER be afraid to be YOURSELF, be happy and be you and help raise awareness for pride moth as it’s such a beautiful thing! Love is love 🏳️‍🌈💕