Dealing with new acne


Hi all, I am looking for tips/recommendations for dealing with acne on my forehead and chest.

I went off the BC pill in January (having been on it for 10+ years since I was 16) and now I have acne. It's just small bumps across my forehead and my chest gets the real ugly, white tip guys.

I have been very fortunate to never have had acne issues growing up, so here I am, almost 30 and no clue what works, what is worth the cash, what I should change.

I haven't changed my skin routine or make up brands since I was teenager either, so maybe it's not BC related, but my skin saying hey, you're a real adult now, treat me as such.

Does anyone have products they swear by? Routines that save them?

I usually have oily skin in the summer, but I think it's over compensation to the dry, because if I remember to moisturize at night it's not as oily the next day.

Thank you so much!!