High risk Down syndrome at 31


Have just received a call I didn’t expect. We have a son who is 6, conceived easily but have struggled with baby number 2, suffering multiple miscarriages, including one at 14 weeks last year. This is our rainbow baby, I am 14+4 and everything seemed fine until I was told the results from my 12 week scan show risk of Down syndrome 1:100. They didn’t give me a breakdown of why or how they got that number but I have booked an NIPT for Monday, with a consultant and expedited results. I feel sick to my stomach, my husband is being very positive but I have a sister who had a baby born with Down syndrome and he was very very poorly (they have said that genetics don’t play a part in it?) part of me is wondering if all my previous miscarriages have been due to genetic abnormalities now (but they have done testing and never come back with a result?) anyway I’m not really sure why I’m posting. I just feel very alone and afraid. Has anyone else been through this? I didn’t really realise at 31 I had an advanced maternal age.