What do I do ?

I found out I am pregnant 2 months ago and let’s say the news didn’t go down fantastically with my partner I have a 5 year old and I also have a 6month old !! It’s taken a long road filled with heartache and tears to get to now but he finally got to the same page as me and decided to keep it but said he was a bit scared due to finances etc which is understandable as when do parents ever stop worrying about money

We have attended appointments, looked at prams etc and started talking about names !!

I was having a conversation with him this evening on the phone as he works nights about the fact I felt sorry for my 5 year old this <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> because I kept being pulled away from him as my 6month old wouldn’t settle and was crying (he’s quite a clingy baby) and he said see this is why I said I was against having another one as the 5 year old will be left out and forgotten about !! To which I said we can always make it up to him as it’s no different to having 2 then it is 3 and I responded quite badly and have been very upset about it (more was said but it’s to long to write out), but I feel like he has told me a lie, that he doesn’t want this and has just said it to please me 💔 it’s thrown a massive spanner in the works as now I don’t know what to think, do, say or feel and I don’t know if I can trust him ...

I don’t want to loose what we have but also I don’t want to give up on something to save what we have ....

we have told family our news and everyone’s ecstatic, I’m terrified as much as he is about a 3rd as it’s very soon after my 2nd and I think he’s quite naive to think otherwise but this is what I want and what I thought he wanted but we’re clearly on another page