Our angel

This will seem crazy I’m sure of it, but this was the only sign I needed. So in November I found out I was pregnant. It was on accident and truly me and my boyfriend weren’t mentally ready to have a baby. I had my first scan and found out IT was actually THEY. There were 2. Even more nervous now, i wasn’t sure what to do and how to feel. Eventually we got use to the idea and became excited. A few short weeks later I miscarried. It broke our hearts. That’s when we decided we were going to start trying. We are young but are more than capable of caring for a child and decided it was okay to start a family now. I know some of you are thinking “boyfriend shouldn’t that be husband” but to us that’s not the point. We’ve been together a while and are so in love. It’ll happen one day. When we decide we want to. Now back to the story. In April after 3 months of trying (I know that’s not long) I was pregnant again. Obviously much more hesitant about the outcome, we kind of ignored it. We didn’t discuss the baby because we were scared of getting super attached and miscarrying. Unfortunately no matter what you do you are attached. We miscarried a few weeks later. I became super depressed and decided it was best if we stopped trying. And I mean completely. We stopped sleeping together because all I could think about was what if I get pregnant again, I’ll only miscarry and my heart will be shattered once again. I am now doing much better. My boyfriend has stood by my side and helping me get off the ground in this hard time! Recently I’ve been thinking about trying again. I’ve brought it up to my boyfriend and he tells me “I am ready when you are, please don’t feel rushed. I want you to be your best and feel your best.” Today, me and my sister we’re on our way to dinner. She said look it looks like a dog in the clouds. I just glanced over not even in the same direction she was pointing. I saw what to me looked like an angel made from the clouds. And I immediately thought it’s one of our babies. I took the picture and realized that was the only sign I needed. I have decided I am ready, and we will start trying again this month.