Anyone else?!?


So my little one is just over 4 weeks old, I have been so up and down with him having colic to gettting extremely to hot just not the best of starts, ended up at the hospital when he was just over a week over as he was not pooping... So 1st the pooping he was going upto twice a day then suddenly nothing for 32 hours and when he did go he did not strain or be in any pain still I'm really worried so turns out that because I formula feed (tried to breast feed just my milk never come in when he was born and when it did he didn't take to it)... he goes every 2 days spoke to 5 different medical team as never had experienced this with any of my other children they all said the same if he goes with out pooping for more than 2 days then they will be worried but as he is going and he is not constipated his pooping is very soft I don't need to give if anything to help him.... 2nd the hotness apparently this is normal I kid you not I absolutely sh*t my self as I put the thermometer on to check his temp he is in normal range so I check at the hospital they said it's all normal he is still adjusting to "the outside world" I understand but he is that hot it does not feel normal to me so I get in touch with the health visitor who does her checks agrees that he is absolutely fine he is not dehydrated he very content and happy I was like okay ... Now lady's for the mums that have had more than 1 baby did anyone experience any of this???!!! I have an 11 and 6 year old I remember when they was baby's I didn't experience any of this with these... now going on the last part so I bath little one every night since he has been home at 1st I was putting a vest and baby grow on the weather hasn't been good at all and it's been very cold (living in UK) but then it will suddenly warm I make sure I dress baby according to weather so for the past week or so he has been so fussy and unsettled so I have done everything I could think off so as I was taking his baby grow off he stopped crying I spoke to my husband and was like wtf he just stopped I uncovered his legs and arms kept the vest and baby mittens on put his blanket over him I'm not knocking it as he actually has settled better I'm getting 7 hours of him sleeping through the night (he is on 4oz bottles goes down at midnight and up at 7am)....

Sorry for such a long post never posted just I comment more 😀