Dear husband

Dear husband, I love you. I love you more than I think you know. But I feel like I’m losing you. With every passing day I feel we are drifting apart and just becoming friends that live together.

You say you want a baby but you never want to have sex so I’m not sure how that’s meant to happen. I ask if you are still attracted to me and you say you are but whenever I try to initiate anything you pull away. I’m at the point now where I don’t even try because I can’t take the rejection anymore.

You say you love me but you seem to be more interested in doing anything else than spending time with me. You get home and you would rather turn on the Xbox and play games with people you don’t know that sit and have a conversation with me. This only happens when you decide you are ready for bed, but at this point and I tired and need to sleep but this is when you want to talk. Why can’t I be the priority? Why can’t one day you come in and choose me first?

I just want to get you back