I’m so in love🥰


My littlest princess arrived June 6th, 2019 at 39+3, weighing 7lbs 8oz and measuring 20.5in long. My water broke at 8:45am that morning. It was just like in the movies. I felt a pop, and a huge gush went everywhere! Hubby and I grabbed our bags and went straight to the hospital. I was already having contractions 5 minutes apart the day before, but they got way more intense almost immediately after my water broke! I got admitted right away and had my beautiful baby girl almost 5 hours later at 1:58pm all natural, without any pain medication. I had an epidural(24 hour labor) with my first daughter and didn’t feel a thing. This time, I felt EVERYTHING, and let me tell you it was the most painful and hardest thing I have ever done in my whole life! Contractions came hard and fast and were radiating from my lower stomach to my lower back and into my hips and legs. I swear I thought I was going to die! I went from 2cm to 4cm within two hours. Then, 4cm to 7cm within an hour and finally to 10cm, and don’t even get me started on the pushing! It was excruciating, but luckily I didn’t tear one bit. I didn’t with my first either actually, but she was only 6lbs even. My baby girl was totally and completely worth every ounce of pain! She’s here, she’s healthy, she’s perfect and she’s mine💖

Please welcome my daughter, Ellie Claire to the world😊