Worried about weight


So at the beginning of my pregnancy I weighed 160, now 7 months in I've already gained all 35lbs putting me at 195.. I know baby starts putting their weight on now.. will that add onto my weight or could she be gaining from the weight I've already gained?? Does that make sense? I'll elaborate if needs be. I just have always struggled with my weight, it started in my arms around 13 and slowly but surely traveled to the rest of my body. I'm 5'2. I also was looking thinner than I ever have the year leading up to pregnancy. I know it takes a lot of exercise and eating right (I can't help but snack.. it's usually out of boredom lol)

If your weight looks anything like mine, did you lose plenty of weight after baby? I don't plan on breastfeeding which I know would help with the weight loss. I just wanna feel good about myself again.