What would you do? Feeling conflicted 😔

We’ve been married 2 years. Dated through high school and college but did have our breakups throughout. Before we got back together in high school he was talking to this one girl. This girl I actually grew up with and was family friends when we were little. Anyways whenever we got back together she made it a big deal although they didn’t actually date. She ”moved on” and has been dating her high school sweetheart since.

On Instagram she follows my husband’s page but she doesnt follow mine. Not a big deal whatever. I made him unfollow her awhile back because it just made me uncomfortable that he was liking her pictures and even constantly snapchatting her for a bit, so I shut that down and told him to stop snapchatting her. Time passed, we went through college got married and expecting our first baby in August. Just recently I noticed she would like my husband’s pictures that I wasn’t in, which is odd. But what really got to me was I saw that he was looking at her Instagram stories. With Instagram it will show who looks at your stories. So now even though he doesn’t follow her page back but is looking at her stories that are public, can’t she see that he is looking at her stories?

It really irks me and I know I shouldn’t let it get to me so much so maybe it’s being hormonal and pregnant. But knowing that Instagram will show who views your stories even those that don’t follow you. The fact my husband is looking at an old flings page who I’ve specifically told him to stop contacting on multiple occasional is doing that..I’m like what the heck...😔 I’m just feeling super insecure and I know I sound ridiculous for making it a big deal 😔