Fisher Price Auto Rock?

My aunt gave me a gift today, it's the Fisher-price Auto Rock n Play. I put it together, was super excited, then I realized that it's on recall. Well, FP doesn't open til Monday for me to call and ask what I need to do with the product, so any ideas? I'm due literally any day so I want to get it returned and find a suitable replacement ASAP.

I don't have a receipt because it was a gift, and I don't know when she bought it. Any ideas? Can I take it up to Wal-Mart and explain the situation? They sold them at Wal-Mart so I think I can return it there?? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance! Also, if you have any suitable replacements, please let me know. I absolutely love it so I'm pretty upset.

Please don't tell me to just use it properly. There have been multiple infant deaths linked to it, and I'm really just NOT comfortable owning the product in case some freak accident were to happen. I would never forgive myself. I am much more comfortable just returning it.