interfaith relationships.


hi all, im just wondering if anybody here is in an interfaith relationship?

im catholic and my boyfriend is muslim, he is the kindest and sweetest person i have ever met in my life. neither of us are pressuring the other to convert and have both said that we wouldnt convert. lately we have been talking a lot about marriage, and trust me, i seriously want to marry this guy.

i was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how it would work, like i have always pictured my wedding to he traditional catholic, and he has always pictured an islamic ceremony. i suppose we could have two weddings? but also with name changes and stuff, and children. in his culture the woman do not take their husbands name, and their surnames are a combination of all of the men in the family’s names. im not sure i want to do that, and i would also kind of like to change my name. has anybody been through this? what did you do?