Question about after birth...

Savv • IT'S A BOY! Logan Sullivan💙😍 June 7th, 2019 💕 7.9lbs, 20in.💙😘 MissC - September 9, 2017.👶👼❤️

I had my son 2 days ago (Friday). What no one told me was that after you give birth, you'll have uncontrollable shaking spells, nausea, lightheadedness, headaches, feeling of heaviness in chest (especially when walking) for days after birth..

Here's my question.. how long does all of this last? What else should I expect?

This is my first, and I have horrible anxiety, so this is all messing with me horribly.. I can't even hold my son sometimes because of the shaking, I feel like I'll drop him :(