When will it be my turn?!?! 😭


My bf & I (both 20 y/o) have been ttc since the end of July of last year (about 11 months ago) and Af just keeps showing up... 3 days late that is. We have been tracking predicted ovulation times, my cm, etc. Nothing. We've timed sex around my fertile week. Nothing. We've had sex every day for 2 weeks the day after my period ended... Nothing. Yesterday I found out that my younger cousin (18 y/o) is 7 weeks pregnant. Then when I got home tonight, I found out that my mom is 10 weeks pregnant & she found out 100% yesterday morning. I've seen sooooo many people on my Fb posting pregnancy announcements. It's as if everyone around me is getting pregnant without out trying. Yet here I am trying sooo hard to have a baby (my life long dream/goal) and it's not happening. Every month I'm let down, crushed, broken, and just disappointed. I just don't understand. When will it be my turn!?!?!? 😭💔