**update, more worried**Worried 😟


When I had my miscarriage in February I heard all about how the first three months you're super fertile. How sooo many women found out they were pregnant 3-4 weeks later. Periods came back right away and baby making was successful.

Well. My period took 6 weeks to come back. We were trying for 3 of those weeks. We tried the next cycle and just had sex every other day, especially when I felt I had fertile CM. No go, took 6 weeks but I got my period. Now this cycle we paid close attention to my CM, BD almost daily leading up to predicted ovulation, and every other day outside of that. Now my period is here 2 days early. My 3 month 'extra fertile window' either wasn't fertile or something else is going on.

I feel so out of control and out of sync with my body. I feel like after my MC people just boosted my hope and my confidence that I would be pregnant again by now. I bought my bridesmaid dress with some room for my best friends wedding in July sure I would be sporting at least some early pregnancy bloat. I just don't know what to feel.


I think I might be having another miscarriage. I'm not sure, this feels a lot more like my MC in Feb than it does a period. Yesterday around noon I got extremely nauseated and light headed, shaky and weak and had awful cramps. I had a snack and laid down for a 3 hour nap. More cramping and light bleeding.

Now today, I woke up, tons of blood. I have passed a few dime size pieces of grey tissue as well as clots. Just now I saw a large hunk of grey tissue, about the size of my thumb, and some clots. Very mild cramping all day.

This feels almost identical to my MC. The weird feeling and napping before I start bleeding. The tissue and clots the next day. I took a FR test last Friday that was very negative.