Read this load of crap my dr said.


Ok so a dr I work for is a total bi***. She’s two faced and talks trash about everyone, is always in others peoples business starting up drama where there doesn’t need to be, and always trying to one up everyone.. I was telling her how my kid has been counting things up to 5 lately and how excited I was about it. This liar looks at me and says “oh really? Well when Annalee (her poor daughter) was in daycare they wouldn’t let them move to the 1 year old room until they could count to 10” I looked at her and said uhh do you mean 2 year old room? She said “ no I meant a year” I said “ I don’t believe that at all, you’re telling me that they require 1 year olds to count to 10? Most 1 year olds say maybe 5 words and are just starting to walk, that sounds like a load of bull shit to me” y’all my eyes could’ve fell out of my head with the amount of annoyance I rolled them. Not to mention I’m pregnant with baby #2 so her shit is getting less and less easier for me to tolerate.