Bleeding Again After Miscarriage


I had my second missed miscarriage on May 30th. I took the Cytotec (Misoprostol) that day. I started bleeding heavily and was still bleeding the day of my follow up sono on June 5th. The sonographer/doctor said I already passed what I needed to, but that my walls were still heavily lined, so I should expect to be bleeding for a few more days at least. I stopped bleeding the next day on the 6th, which I though was odd. My husband and I had sex June 7, 8, and 9th, and I had some dark colored light spotting after each time. On May 10, 11, and today the 12th, I am having some heavy bright red bleeding again. Has this happened to anyone else, slowing down and stopping for a few days, and then starting up again? I did read online that the bleeding could last up to two weeks, but since my first miscarriage only lasted 6 days, I am a little concerned, and I do plan to call my doctor if it doesn’t ease up.