Vegetarian/ Vegan meals?+ Is it unhealthy?


1. i (female13) am late for my period (i’m probably not pregnant considering i’m a virgin lmao) and i have noticed my schedule has changed since becoming a vegetarian several months ago, my period has become slightly irregular and is sometimes a lot heavier or a lot lighter than usual. My cycle has always been VERY regular and consistent and it hasn’t hanged until now. Could this be due to lack of iron/protein/vitamin? i take a multivitamin and track my iron/protein intake because my anxiety gets high if i think i don’t have enough.

2. I am getting sick of cold meals. I always eat something like raw vegetables and a peanut butter sandwich and i want to know some of your favorite meals that are vegetarian/vegan (i’m partially vegan i avoid dairy and eggs but sometimes i have to eat them or i can’t eat bc my parents make me order the option the restaurant has for vegetarians)