2 Weeks After D &C


We found out at our 12 week appointment that our baby stopped developing at 10 weeks. I had the D&C the following day. This was our first pregnancy and I am devastated. My husband has been super supportive but he is handling it much better than me. I really want to start TTC now. My husband is on board to try right away, but he won’t start until after my check up on 7/2. I know it’s only 3 weeks away, but it feels like it’s forever. I just want to be pregnant again. I’m so worried that it’s not going to happen for us. We are 35 and I thought we were being responsible by waiting until we bought a house and were financially ready. Now I’m afraid that we made a mistake by waiting. There’s also another girl at work that is pregnant and we shared a cubicle. When the miscarriage happened, they moved me to a separate desk (I didn’t ask them to). Now I feel like I’m being ostracized at work. It’s just terrible I feel like such a failure. I hope that we can make this work when we TTC in July.